The boxes in Yellow & Blue, represent two different worlds today.
It is time for People on the Yellow lines, to make sincere efforts, to Now Get In to the Blue lines. The yellow line boxes symbolise the outer world that we live in and the blue line boxes, represent the world that we need to understand with empathy.
Mobile Application - NOW GET IN
Award Winning Documentary Film: Let's Leap Forward
This film brings about deep sets of conversations and extends itself to help audiences explore a better understanding of AUTISM as a part of daily life & society.
Idea - SwachaGraha - Start a Green Spot
SDGs - No 12 Responsible Consumption and Production
NGO - SWMRT Bangalore
The SwachaGraha campaign is a platform to create a movement, through a collaborative approach between Civil Society organisations(CSOs), Citizens, Organisations, Corporates and the Government to the burgeoning problem of Solid waste.
SwachaGraha is a city wide campaign, seeking to communicate the key tenets of solid waste management, i.e. segregation of waste at source, home composting and responsible waste management. The campaign also seeks to engage stakeholders, highlighting the importance of "No to landfills and growing Safe food", thus leading to sustainable living
Watch the Film - - Start a Green Spot